I inspire and motivate groups of all sizes to understand they're more capable than they thought. Empowering them to make the right decisions in school/college/uni and life.
Please see below for content, availability and how this can work for your students. This page will give you the facts as succinctly as possible. Any questions just ask.

What I do.
Through a mixture of psychology, interactive activities, anecdotes and thought provoking ideas I actively engage students and make them think about themselves, not changing, but challenging their mindset- presenting them with a choice so that they can make the right decisions for themselves no matter what age or stage in life they're at.
Themes and Content
I guarantee if I come and speak to 100 students, almost every single one of those students will feel inspired by the end of the session.
80 or 90 students might feel inspired and use that feeling, make some changes to how they work and think for the rest of that week.
60 or 70 maybe for the rest of the month.
But there's going to be 30+ students (or more!) who go on to make real positive changes to their attitudes for the rest of the year and start to take more positive action towards their goals.
...there may be even one or two students who legitimately change their life, based on some of the ideas I present on the day, and that is truly inspiring for me and for your organisation.
What the students say


"Really motivating"

Numbers/Timings & Set up.
This part is really up to you!
Here's how it normally goes...
Most commonly I'll speak to a group or multiple groups in a day (or half day depending on the logistics of the day) and typically facilitate each group for around 1 -- 2 hours
Group sizes can vary and I'm very flexible with numbers.
I can facilitate large scale assemblies/keynotes with 150+ students for 45mins -- 1 hour
If needed I can also take smaller workshops with targeted groups of students (10-25 students) for 1 -- 2.5 hours
Or a mixture of all of this in a day! It really depends on the needs of your students.
All I need to get going is a projector and a screen. I'll either set up my Apple TV and iPad and start scribbling away or go for Powerpoint if it suits better, and from there I'll start presenting to your students.
In the case this can't be arranged just let me know and I'll bring my flip-chart and pens!
Members of staff are always welcome to stay in the room or leave me to it.
I'm a fully registered PVG disclosed teacher.
I'm more than happy to take groups and let members of staff get on with their day.

Fully Booked

August 2024
6 dates available

Fully Booked

10 dates available

9 dates

Later in 2024
get in touch
A Final Word.
Speaking frankly, in light of what is an unprecedented challenge we've all been through in the last few years with the pandemic- in particular teens, I feel compelled and obligated to help given the nature of my work.
Over the the last three years, I have spoken at venues up and down the U.K. and have been shocked by the lethargy and weariness of so many students nationwide. To see the impact the pandemic has had on teens on a larger scale has been really eye-opening and a cause for concern.
One of my goals as a speaker has always been to inspire young people to achieve and understand their own capabilities, boost their self-confidence and challenge their mindset towards school and their larger life in general.
During lockdown, my speaking business being left unsuitable for live ‘in-person’ events, I adapted by doing some online sessions but more so by working full-time in a local High School (and from home!) within a pupil support setting. I am incredibly grateful to the school for helping me out in such a difficult time but more than that, I’m also grateful to have had the opportunity to witness the daily challenges of pupils and to offer help and guidance. As well as recently seeing the large scale impact of the pandemic, I have also witnessed first-hand the impact it has had on teens, parents and teachers on a much more personal 1-1 level.
So I’ve been asking questions of myself about how I can help, I’ve had to look back at my values, my business model and I’ve realised that my job of inspiring and helping young people now, undeniably more than ever, is of the utmost importance. Since 2016 my entire business has been built through word-of-mouth and referrals. Given the current nature of what’s happening in schools, I feel it’s important for me to reach out and make myself as available as possible to work with young people, hopefully yours in the not too distant future!
If you're thinking of creating an event or already have an existing event I'd love to help! Fill out the form below and I'll get in touch with you.